CareWell Robertson
Address: 10 Johan de Jong drive, Robertson, Western Cape, 6705
(click for map/directions)
Tel: 028 050 2266
Facility Manager: Jan Schutte

10 Acute beds
15 Sub-acute beds

Rehabilitation gymnasium

Roodesquare Pharmacy

Specialist and GP consulting rooms

Radiology department
SCP radiology

Pathology department

Day surgery centre

IV Clinic
Price list
IV Infusion information
Multi-disciplinary team and Specialists
Physio therapist - Marize van Molendorff 073 238 4658
Physio therapist - Ingrid vd Merwe 082 928 9807
Occupational therapist - Elzabe Jonker 081 382 9997
Audiologist - Lynette Snyman 082 872 9166
Speech Therapist - Firdous Sulaiman 081 502 4952
Dietitian - Lulu Olivier 082 335 4115
Social worker - TBC
Psychologist - Franci Conradie 078 031 3539
Wound care - Sr Esmari van Heerden - 082 863 0518
Orthopaedic surgeon - Dr Richard Finn - 023 342 4290
Orthopaedic surgeon (Knee) - Dr David North - 079 250 2890
Specialist surgeon - Dr Arnold Smith - 023 342 7053
Opthalmologist - Dr Marius van Dyk - 023 346 4186
Gynaecologist - Dr Elrike vd Merwe - 082 336 0061
Specialist Physician - Dr Christel Faber - 064 861 7420
Specialist Physician - Dr Christo van Dyk - 023 347 4305
Plastic surgeon - Dr Siddharth Gautam - 083 594 9145
Neurologist - Dr Dion Opperman - 021 423 0899
GP - Dr Ronel le Roux - 060 364 4630